Who Let The Dogs Out??

vvribeiro 816

15 Oct 2014 x3r0h0ur

I feel like you're going to want akamatsus or modded possibly with cybersolutions. While toolbox is the shit, it'll kill your early tempo getting it out IMO. I think overmind is a great fit in the internim to keep you running, and it works with the above hardware, and scavenge. I even wonder if leprechaun would be a good fit then.

Still worth testing as is, since no one knows yet how great/bad the pound puppies will be.

15 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

I think you might be right about the hardware, but Idk if overmind would be a nice fit. With the current rig, if I don't get it early, its just useless.

15 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

I don't see why you'd run rex shapers have better. Even keeping in theme you could run zul its still a dog and about as good costs nothing to install same str and never runs out, on top of that it cost 3 less influence.

15 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

@Pinkwarrior, the idea is to see whether Dogs recurssion will work. But yes, ZU.13 Key Master might be a nice addition. But only because its a dog

15 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

@vvribeiroi get your testing them out but i don't see why you would want to try the ones that are of the least use to your faction specially with the influence cost of the things.

It makes sense to me to run 2 different dogs and use a normal breaker for the 3rd whatever your faction is best, this means your not wasting influence for no reason and means more recursion spare for the other dogs.

15 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

Oh the other thing with ZU thats nice for the deck is that it makes toolbox essentially +3MU

15 Oct 2014 vvribeiro

@Pinkwarrior, I got your point. But as I said, this deck purpose is just to try and see how the dogs would work. I might drop the Rex and add ZU to my canil. Maybe add a third of the others.