Combo Breaker - v2

Walker Net Ranger 139


-1 Wanton, +1 Utopia Shard -2 NRE, +2 Inject -1 Yog, -1 Mimic, +1 Faust, +1 D4v1d -1 Medium, +1 Atman

Changes are designed to be able to more consistently access centrals affordably. I'm really paranoid about a Blue Sun turn 1 OAI curtain wall causing me headaches all game if it ends up over HQ, so the added draw and D4v1d should more reasonably find me a turn 1 D4v1d to smash that thing if the corp tries to get cute.

One less Medium is maybe bad, but with Kim's ability and Imp already in the deck I suspect that it should be easy to dig fairly deep into a lite-ice Corp's R&D even without the Medium.