Tag And Nag

SilentBoss29 10

Hey everyone! So people who have been watching Metropole Grid in the past week may remember my reality plus deck that was submitted for suggestions, this is the final product after that!

So after experimenting with a lot of cards, upgrades and ices i have come up with an almost entire new deck based around the idea to tag the opponent to threaten a lot of possibilities, from the basic resource trashing, making ices more effective and the good old flatline.

The main thing with this deck is reserving 1 ice for a remote server entirely dedicated to economy assets, usually i use a starlit night or an unsmiling tsarevna. The majority of the time you will have 2 remote servers: One for economy and 1 for the agenda.

Using fly on the wall and orbital superiority combined with AMAZE amusements means a lot of tags will come by, even when the runners can succesfully get an agenda, and many of the ices protecting these agendas will tag too.

One of the main strenghts of this deck is that the runner will be very terrified to run into the remote servers, so use that to your advantage and try to score out as many agendas as you can so the runner has no option but to risk it at mid game, where hopefully you can bait them with NGO fronts.

I personally have a lot of fun with this deck and i am proud of managing a winrate of 67% after 20 matches on jinteki.net. Other cards that worked really well with this deck were:

  1. Oracle Thinktank
  2. Retribution
  3. Self-Growth Program
  4. Virtual Service Agent (Kinda useless tho against most runner decks)
  5. Holo Man (It was very expensive to use so i changed it for AMAZE)

I hope you enjoy and i hope i will be able to develop new decks for other Corps in the future! #LongLiveNBN