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This was a concept borne out of trying to make Public Support work by supporting it with Gagarin tax and Hostile Architecture, and then realising that there's better options and going with Hearts and Minds for my points because the taxes make it almost viable. There's a decent amount of ice here, enough to make it irritating to trash one or two things, primarily Mumba Temple (our restricted card) or to get NAPD Contract out of stealing range.
Economic Warfare keeps the runner down so that our various must-trash assets stay on the board and get value.
Big Deal and SanSan were my theoretical payoffs for the huge money you can generate here but I never pulled off either. Big Deal wants more slots dedicated to Pivot rather than assets/money, SanSan wants a better agenda suite (there's a dearth of acceptable 3/2s and I didn't want to run Azef because all of my assets are good).
Urban Renewal/Hostile Architecture with Contract Killer usually advanced for free is the theoretical kill line, but really it's just tempo. I think with Hearts/Minds I want more Contract Killers to theoretically get a runner when they're relatively high on cards.
I think this overall concept is more viable as an NEH deck (slot Oppo/Closed Accounts for Econ Warfare, Hostile Infrastructure from Jinteki rather than Hostile Architecture for protecting assets, more appropriate agendas, more SanSan grids, etc), but I had a lot of fun in the tournament so I'm happy.
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