Activist Exile v1.1

Meijin 67

Exile with Deep Red/Pawn/Scheherazade combo and Blackmail.

The first set up you need is the one to Blackmail to play it as soon as you can. You need Aesop, Activist Support and NACH. Avoid the Tag when the corp turns begin, the give the corp a Bad pub at the start of your turn and trash it with Aesop to gain 3c. When the corp ha at least 1 BP, try building your rig, then when full rig is in place, this is pure awesomeness. Run with Blackmail, gain 1c and draw 2 cards, access 3 cards from R&D. Use your 3 BM and 3 SOT before LARLA to start running again.

Femme is here against possible rezzed ICE through Bioroid Efficiency Research and Oversight AI.

Netshield and Public Sympathy keep you safe from flatline.

31 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

nerve agent or HQ interface seem like they'd be way awesome for this.

31 Mar 2014 Meijin

yes but influence is very tight, and you want to put down the combo as soon as possible.