AR FA CtM (8th @ Worlds 2021)

Saja_PL 153

This is the same list that I took to the Continentals.


Another simple plan. Take care of the economy. Install SanSan City Grid/Lady Liberty. Point AR-Enhanced Security, Project Beale, Tomorrow's Headline. When the opponent decides to play "full tag me" then you have two options: BOOM! or Exchange of Information. GG.

As always, I would like to thank the NISEI team warmly for all your hard work. Thanks also to the people streaming and watching. Competition participants and fans.

Many thanks to Odol for his Odolowa League of Netrunner and to all those who play with us.

Special thanks to Śmieszny for the consultation and for being almost always on the phone. And for Keithh for our endless blabbering.

I love you all. ABR.