Ser Gabriel vHJ1.5

HepatitvsJ 244

With some solo testing I decided 2 crescent were more important than 2 inside job. I only have 2 desperado, I'll switch out another or go 46 cards when I can get another desperado. The silliness of faerie breaking archers and other entries easily combined with crescent will help keep the Corp poor. Even tollbooth only hurts for 5c with Knight, then it gets shut down with crescentus I went with two clone chips instead of levy and quality time for recursion. e3 feedback to make Knight and Peacock more effective.

7 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think inside job is necessary, since the corp NEEDS 3 pieces of unrezzed ice to shutdown your knight. Knight on back and inside job=success, very very strong and tough play...especially if you've been banging up the centrals like a knight deck should. I'm not saying its wrong, I just think for me, that's more important.

7 Mar 2014 HepatitvsJ

I think you meant rezzed ICE but I see what you're saying. Like I said, it's been solo testing, so I'm missing out on other players reactions and I missed what you're talking about. I think I'll slot 2-3 inside jobs back in and now I have to find room for lawyer up too. >_