Cybernetics and genetics at the rave

namelessmonk 1

Quetzal deck that uses e3 feedback implants for the ID ability, Faust, and D4vid. This deck uses pub sympathy and Box-E to allow the runner to build up a pretty sizable hand, and it doubles as damage protection. This deck also features net ready eyes to give the fixed breakers more flexibility and features a medium for R&D lock. Be sure to use your Levy AR Lab Access if you draw it before you put those net ready eyes out. This deck can function with low econ, but it doesn't hurt. The stim dealer serves as a late game, last ditch effort to get that match point.

18 Sep 2015 therealwarrior

Why not an Amped Up instead of the Stim Dealer? Less expensive and no time to wait.

24 Sep 2015 namelessmonk

The deck relies on Quetzal and Faust, which have limited ability to make a ton of runs each turn. It relies more on constant pressure I just feel like Stim Hack has more flexibility. If you drop Stim Dealer and use it to make as many runs with medium as you can, you should net something. Yeah it's not going to help you with that last run on a huge remote, but if you have enough cards in hand you should be able to make it.

24 Sep 2015 therealwarrior

You gain with both cards (for the first three turns of Stim Dealer), and you said:

"The stim dealer serves as a [...] last ditch effort to get that match point"

If you can manage an highway on R&D, not sure the Corp' let you pass for more than two turns.

5 Oct 2015 namelessmonk

Yeah, I guess I didn't really do a good job with my description. I just like it more, since you have all the pub sympathy. I guess what I meant is it gives you extra clicks if you are having problems near the end of the game. I find I don't use it as much as stim dealer.