Bichrome Paintbrush 0.2

chemnitz 72

The idea behind this deck is minimize the weaknesses of a gimmicky monochromatic-Paintbrush deck by having two different types of efficient breakers to use with Paintbrush (hence, bichrome). After all, there is nothing that says that you cannot click Paintbrush to make some of the ICE into Barriers and other pieces of ICE into Code Gates, as needed. In this particular case, Yogosaurus and Corroder are your primary breakers.

Yogosaurus (or Yog by itself in the early game) can break for free: - The first ICE encountered each turn, of strength less than 5 (or 3) - All Code Gates, of strength less than 5 (or 3) - All rezzed ICE, of strength less than 5 (or 3), once Paintbrush is in play

Corroder can break for a reasonable price: - All Barriers that Yog(-osaurus)+Kit/Paintbrush cannot break - All rezzed ICE that Yog(-osaurus) cannot break, once Paintbrush is in play - Protects against Wraparound

That leaves only one thing that can ruin your day: unrezzed Sentries (and I guess gigantic, unrezzed Code Gates, but those are rarer). This deck has two solutions. First, Forged Activation Orders x3 can help rez/trash unrezzed ICE. Second, Sharpshooter saves you against the one thing that you definitely do not want to facecheck: Destroyers. Recur Sharpshooter with Clone Chips as needed to protect your main breakers.

Here is the general strategy for playing your programs. Start aggressively face-checking/FAOing ICE before you have any programs. You want everything to be rezzed for the mid-game. Then, install Sharpshooter and either Yog or Corroder (preferably using SMC), and use them to continue your aggression. Once one of your main breakers and your emergency face-check protector are in place, you can SMC/Test Run for Paintbrush, giving you a strong mono-Paintbrush build. If you installed Yog first, then you can Scavenge it onto Dinosaurus at this time, and then draw/Test Run for Corroder. If you installed Corroder first, then install Dinosaurus followed by a drawn/Test Runned Yog at your earliest convenience. You can also add some Personal Touches on either Yogosaurus or Corroder, as needed. At this point, you have an extremely efficient rig that should not require much cash to get into anything.

Your main victory condition is R&D lock. R&D Interface and Indexing are your key cards to seal the game. Same Old Thing can be an extra Indexing, Forged Activation Order, or Escher. In a pinch, it can also be used as a Scavenge or a Test Run to help build your rig or fix a broken rig.

One variation that I have been considering is to replace the Yog x2 and Corroder with Morning Star and Gordian Blade x2. This would sacrifice the cheapness of the Yog/Corroder combo for the greater strength of Morning Star and the efficiency of Gordian Blading through a whole superstack of ICE.

If Will o' the Wisp becomes a dominant card after the Lunar cycle is released, then I would drop the Personal Touches for something else--maybe another Same Old Thing or Escher or a couple Tinkerings or Levy AR Lab Accesses. By that time, there may also be some other strong counter-Wisp cards to include.

I am happy to hear suggestions for how to tweak this archetype. Is this the right amount of economy? Is the memory stuffed too tight? At the moment, there is just enough MU, but it becomes impossible to use Self-Modifying Code to get that last Corroder or Yog or Sharpshooter to finish the rig. Thanks for any feedback.