(Startup) No Whiteblade, No Point? (2-1 Seattle startup)


I decided to play OB at our startup tournament. Soon after I realized, “hmmm no cool MAD +Boom! Combos, how do I win?” Hence the no Whiteblade name, as there is no point in playing MAD In startup. So the next question was “how do I win?” The conclusion was skateboard tricks with thoughts and prayers. The actual answer is to rush and try to FA for the win. (Good luck).

Skateboard tricks: Marilyn campaign plus excavation = infinite Econ.

Tranquility grid = pull with first Marilyn trash and slam cards on it in a iced remote for big money.

4 cost ice = sell to win with Bass.

Moon pool = turn agenda flood into FA

Reduced servers = not many 0 cost cards, helped 1 time, probably garbage

Wall to wall = can pull from Marilyn, sell extra copies

1 cost ice = tutor with Marilyn if you need to protect server or gear check.

Mavirus = can do skateboard tricks to purge botulus to create stavka face plant. In reality stopped conduit once to create enough tempo to win.

Overall this deck is marginal at best, ice suite needs a lot of work. Let me know if you can think of anymore awesomeness of skateboard tricks to incorporate. Enjoy!

8 Aug 2022 maninthemoon

Sweet thanks for sharing :)

9 Aug 2022 Maww

Do you think the list would be more consistent with a second bass instead of moonpool?

9 Aug 2022 SMITTYL

@Mawbsta good point! Moon pool is more situational, nice when flooded, but less so if not.