Nasir, Deep (deep) Echo (echo)

CJFM 2270

The idea of this deck is to abuse your Events with Same Old Thing, Shut Down their big Ice, and keep Rook on their servers to net you cash. The breaker suite is partially derived from the Anatomy of Anarchy suite. Atman at 2 and 4 usually is enough, while Inti keeps Wraparounds in check, Overminds break annoying Sentries and Code Gates, and Femme is all-purpose to guarantee entry. 3 Datasuckers seem necessary with an Overmind build for Nasir, since he's capable of producing money during the run, but not always money enough to deal with ICE like Eli.

False Echo is a compliment to Emergency Shutdown. Shutdown + Echo + Rook is your way to keep the Corp poor.

Potential considerations for next iteration:

It's possible that Nasir wants more Caissa options mid-run. 1 Bishop and 1 Knight might come in and E-Shutdown might go out.

Personal Workshop is basically Nasir's Sure Gambles and Lucky Finds et al. You want to throw this down early and start profiting from running. Use Shutdown on big ice to keep your cred max high, offload PW during Approach and Encounter, if possible. I'm not sure that there is a better alternative for him right now.

Armitage Codebusting is here in lieu of PW and to keep Nasir loaded with enough cash. The deck has a very low credit curve (excepting Femme), and you can use most of your pre-run money on Atmans and Overminds.

31 Jul 2014 M3th

Nice, but i'm not sur that using deep red for only one caissa card in your deck is a good choice.

31 Jul 2014 M3th

My bad, it will give you MU for overmind.