[purple ops]

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cortexjackal 58

Sick of spamming assets? Spam operations instead. Like scorched earth. Over and over and over. The goal here is to get Midseason's or Localized Product Line in your hand before they score a vanity project, and they will eventually find one, in this low density shenanigan of a deck. You need to get money (more than them) and find one of those operations before they swipe an agenda. 60% of the time, it works EVERY time! Jeeves is there to play more operations in click for more credits. Spend lots of turns getting money. If you can pull of the strategy then you just sit and scorch them over and over, just once or twice a turn until you've chewed through their IHW and plascretes. It's like siphon spamming them as the corp, only with meat damage.

card choices

Hudson : You really don't care if they access 1 card a turn. You have 7 agendas, you can juggle them in 52 cards. What you don't want are digs. Hudson helps this and most runners wont think it's worth it to waste resources to get it through it because they are still getting an access. Just trying out Hudson here but yes, I know why he sucks.

Reclamation Order: lets you recur scorch and combos with Jeeves nicely.

3 Janus? You'll have the money.

28 May 2016 TKO

where are the last 2 cards??? theres no reason to run 52 when you can run 54 and lower your agenda density that much more.

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