A Naconda (4-0 @ Worlds Startup Event)

olisam 7

4-0 at Worlds Startup Event. Anticipated mostly Ari, Seb, Zahya, and Mercury in this as-of-yet undetermined post-ban/rules change Startup metagame.

Faced Seb, Umbrella Kit, Zahya, and Seb. 1 concession with winning secured score in hand the next turn, 1 win from scoring out, 1 win from grinding zahya down to multiple tags and drawing towards mindscaping to kill, 1 win from lucky moment of tag carryover with Seb into double mindscaping.

Mindscaping is amazing. Play it.

How to play A Teia:

Install Spin/Adrian/Vovo in your 2nd remote. Install ice on top of other remote. End of turn, rez Adrian/Vovo and move them into scoring server. Leave spin there as long as you need and pop to shuffle in Mindscapings or Charlottes. Or things you trashed to Hansei.

Think about each ice before installing. Your turns aren't complicated mechanically, but most of this ice has a place. What is permissive vs hard ETR? Is your opponent likely on Arruaceiras Crew? Put the Lotus Field on the remote, if so. M.I.C. on a central if you're getting knifed to death, remote for the potential border control-like effect of ending the run. Double dip that with your scored Nisei MK II counters. Diviner is a great early annoyance on a central for crew decks as it is at 3 strength. Firing it and trashing a Fermenter from hand was backbreaking. Attini is expensive to break and good on R&D in general. Boto often found a home on archives to deny easy Priveleged Access or Sec Testings or Dirty Laundry runs. Cloud Eater (snake and deck's namesake) was a blowout each time it was rezzed. Ansel is another nice surprise for the runner as breaker recursion is currently light in the format if you can fire the trash a program sub. 3 Tatu-Bola, Eli, Palisade, 3 Diviner, and 2 Phoneutria gives you 10 ice that are 4 or less to trash. You need to survive the early assaults from runners by having cheap-to-rez ice that also lowers the financial swing of costs as Arruaceiras Crew enjoyers would prefer to trash the large ice. Tatu is an all star with so many botulus, slap vandals, physarum, etc.

The only change I wish I'd have made is fitting at least 1 snare, but most players respected snare on the day as it was an apparent influence spend in other decks I saw on the day.

Step 1: think about ice placement and let Charlotte cook

Step 2: never lose a psi game on the day

Step 3: the melt is open until THREE AM??!?

Step 4: build a bad Ari deck and get thrashed by reality plus 3x

Step 5: ???

Step 6: profit