Mythical Warrdacity (3-1 Sheffield Regional 5th Aug 2017)

Super 3

This deck is a mythic ice fast advance deck with a mixture of fairly janky cards and some choice tech cards to counter the more prominent runner decks in the current meta.

The deck went 3-1 at a recent regional. It should have gone 4-0 if not for me making a massive bone-headed play during round 1 (see below!) The deck left 3 of my opponents scratching their heads looking for answers, and 2 conceding before the end.

Before I start with the card choices and match write-ups, I hear you need a GIF in published decklists if you have any chance of wanting them to be picked for deck of the week - so here is a completely unrelated image of some cats:

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Right, now that's out of the way, the card choices.

The ice suite

The ice used in this deck is pretty straight forward. You want to Mother Goddess either R&D or HQ and Loki on t’other. If the runner isn’t using an AI icebreaker they should be kept firmly out. Add Excalibur to whichever central the runner keeps going for (so archives for Alice or Sneakdoor etc, centrals for everything else.) With only 9 pieces of ice it’s sometimes hard to stop early pressure, so upgrades can help in the early game…


3 Crisium to stop/slow early siphon spam and keyholes. Warriods to stop keyhole (warriod on a mythic-ice’d central is good fun - they have to pay 4 per keyhole per Warriod) and to protect Crisiums. With Maw being so prevalent, it’s best to never make a remote unless you’re absolutely sure the runner isn’t playing it. If they’re not, use Warriods to protect Jacksons (the only source of draw in the deck!) I tried black level clearance to minimal success - good players just take the brain damage and trash the card. It’s too expensive for the novelty. Ash is an interesting choice but once again too expensive.

Win condition

The win condition is dead easy; once the centrals are locked down (either with ressed ice or enough money kept in the bank to res when you need to) collect parts for fast advance and rush out from hand. I love Audacity - it’s great to get out that final 3-2 and s deck has so many operations it can be used to good success earlier too. I tried this deck with Sansans instead of Audacity/Tennin but found them to be punished to hard by Maw. Sleepers is a janky choice but one I like, all 3 of my wins came with scoring this out. Shipment from Tennin is a card that didn’t do a lot in the deck - not sure if it’s necessary. If the runners can get in, they run, if they can’t then you’ve likely won anyway.

Meta Counters

Warriod and Crisium for Siphon Wizz, Ark Lockdown and Friends for Parasite, and Lockdown for Clot. The only counter this doesn’t have is to Alice, Noise and Kit, but they’re all slow enough decks you should be able to rush out. Money is an issue with this deck, with expensive ice and the potential to need to recur them.

Below is a recap of my games from the Sheffield regional:

Round 1: Steve on Maw Leela

I made a huge mistake. Flooded with agendas and upgrades early I managed to Ice HQ and avoid the early spam. While I search for an answer my opponent installed Maw and started pushing on the centrals. Being the bone-head I am, I thought that Crisium countered Maw. I happily slung a Warriod and Crisium on both R&D and Archives - only for the runner to use an un-iced archives to trigger Maw and throw my flooded hand in the bin. Whoops. If I’d have kept my cool and just thrown the upgrades away I think this would have been winnable - after the game Steve mentioned he hadn’t included a Mammon, but did have a could of inside jobs and Hooks. Oh well. To the bottom table I go!

Round 2: Nick on Good Stuff Andy

Having learned my lesson from the previous game, I patiently drew up until I found Mother and Loki. While I was searching for the ice Nick managed to build up his breaker suite and snatch a Vitruvious from hand. No biggie, once the centrals were ice’d (and my archives left un-upgraded… downgraded?) all Nick could do is keep drawing for his Mammon. Once he found it it was too late, spending the little cash he had left running R&D once per turn. 1-1

Round 3: Andrew on Dedicated Processor Whizz

Andrew’s a good player I’d previously met 2 weeks before at Huddersfield. I’d seen what his deck was then, so I was fairly sure if I could get set up I could keep him out. Andrew happily set up Yog and Mimic with Processors before seeing the ice suite. After that, a CVS in the bin kept his sucker tokens low. He did manage to kill the Goddess on R&D three times, but on the third time (and having got through his whole deck) he conceded. Shouts to Bloo Moose which managed to generate a whole 38 credits during the game! 1 click for a net of 34 creds isn’t bad. 2-1.

Round 4: Jess on Siphon Smoke

The agenda flood was real on my final game of the day. 6 agendas in the first 8 cards had me worried, but Mother Goddess came to the rescue. Jess was using Dai V but luckily the turn before it came online I managed to pull a Jackson and thin out the agendas in my hand. Jess used Beth for extra clicks to pump money from Magnum into Dai V which limited to 1-2 access a turn. Enough for me to fast advance out enough cards for the win. Finished 3-1.

I missed top cut on SoS due to some dodgy Minh MaxX games. I’d have like to get in to see how it fared against the most competitive decks on the day, but I’ll hopefully get another chance down the line.

Shouts to stickboy who helped me with the deck. He said if I published this then I had to give him a mentioned - so there we are brother, contract upheld!
