Spinebuster Reina - GP Indy Store Champs 1st Place

eegag 23

Post-tournament notes:

I feel pretty good about Spinal Modem, surprisingly. I've tried Reina with Desperado and didn't feel like they played as nicely together as I expected. One of my few mistakes during the tournament came when I ran a Spinal Modem out early ... I hadn't even played any breakers yet. I saw a console in my opening hand and kind of played it mindlessly. When it works for me, I play it later in the game to make repeated runs a little less taxing. The extra memory helps to stick a silver-bullet Knight on occasion as well.

Cut the Rabbit Holes ... they are way too cute. I had trouble finding a use for that spot, honestly, but even a set of Infiltrations gets you further than the bonus link. Any other suggestions for the three deck slots and bonus influence?

Account Siphon underperformed for me (not sure if I am allowed to say that on BGG or not). I rarely wanted to play it when I had it in hand, and when I could play it the Corp had spots to dump their money, or had HQ locked down tightly. I wavered between Account Siphon/Lawyer Up and Inside Job. In hindsight, I think I prefer potential agenda sniping with the latter.

My economic setup worked like a dream. Much thanks to Travis for the suggestions. The deck really doesn't need much cash to run effectively, and Casts and Armitage provide what little you need without having to invest much time or cash up front.