Rachel and Kit's Excellent Adventure: Little Red Dress

daytodave 1224

"Is that an agenda on top?"


"Take 10, your turn."

This is a riff on another Red Dress deck I built. This is still a rough draft; I only published because people I played against on octgn were asking for the decklist. If there's interest though, I'm happy to explain why I think that card over that other one, and hear suggestions on where to go next.

1 Apr 2015 Ber

Looks hilarious :)

What does the early game look like for this? I guess you rush out Magnum + Torch, hopefully in a couple of turns?

1 Apr 2015 daytodave

Pretty much, yeah.

If you want a faster early game, cut 1x Legwork for 1x Corroder, and the three shaper fracters for Cyber-Cipher.

1 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Why did you go with event-based multi-access instead of interfaces? Set up time?

1 Apr 2015 daytodave

For R&D it's because of negative synergy with Red Dress. You always know what the top card is, so Maker's Eye is there to punish the corp for drawing non-agenda cards. This deck is an experimental riff on another Red Dress deck I built, and Maker's Eye is really there to plug one of that deck's main weaknesses.

For HQ, HQI is valid, but like you said, set up time. I want to turn Red Dress on as soon as possible, and for that I need:

  • 1-2 of and combination of Test Run, SMC, Torch, Fem, and Tinkering
  • HQ Multiaccess
  • Money

Legwork/Utopia Shard works better for this because it's easier to have a card in hand than it is to have 1-2 HQIs set up. Legwork also synergies with Kit, who want to make one power run per turn.

1 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Ok, glad I was on the right track there. It's too bad Crisium Grid is a problem, but you can't build around everything I suppose. I think in this deck the speed of setup is worth it. Getting the stranglehold early is more important than not having to trash an eventual grid.