Pandamonium SC 1st place-Powernexus Andy

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Bakashinobi 224

This is derived from @bubbathegoat 's list with a couple minor changes:

+1 Interdiction +2 HQ Interface -1 Career Fair -2 Legwork

Read his list for the better description for how it works, I Like HQI over legwork as it keeps constant HQ pressure you can do once a turn over the sunrise pressure. It's 2 off the supplier which hurts much less than 4.

Career Fair/Dirty Laundry for 1 interdiction is because I can't find a better card to cut. It helps against Jintenki batty remotes where the program trashes can really set you back.

Overall, it's good against NBN and has reasonable legs against glacier which is very present in the meta I play in.