Take 2 at a Newbie's attempt at Breakfast w/ Noise

GigEmLandon 2

Take 2 of my attempt at a Noise Pancake list. Bear in mind when offering suggestions that I don't have every data pack, so I may not be familiar with every option I have to replace any cards, so any suggestions are welcome. I've done some playtesting, and my current concerns are:

  • Econ. My options here seemed a bit slow to me. Do I need to just get used to it, or do I have other options to try? Liberated Accounts? Armitage?
  • Are Darwin and Faust worth it, or do Mimic + Corroder +D4v1d do the job well enough? Faust freaked me out a bit. Maybe I'm just not ballsy enough yet to use my grip as an econ source.
  • Noise Pancakes are the shit. No concerns here.

Any other ideas or suggestions?

Thanks y'all!