4 clicks for an agenda V0.2

Xer0 3

Who needs time? Not your opponent. With this deck you play Ruhr Valley and Strongbox on your scoring remote. Play Enhanced Login Protocol so it costs 1 click for the run 2 for Ruhr Valley 3 for ELP and 4 for strongbox if they hit an agenda. Wait... that means... no... They can ONLY steal an agenda on a run event, or first click and not being able to break bioroids with clicks. Now we have them where we want them. Oh the runner runs on only 3 clicks. Bad runner, teach em a lesson with Ryon Knight and Snare! Not only does it cost 4 clicks to steal an agenda, theres only 8 of them in there! Runner running last click often? Whack em around with Snare! and Defective Brain Chips. Ok so in all seriousness this is how the deck plays:

Set up the combo with a Zed in the back, don't rez him until later. Get some nice brain damage ice like hiemdall or viktor then use brainchips and either score out or kill the runner with zed remember it still costs 3 clicks to steal an agenda so he can only barely break 1 sub with clicks, if he doe tho he still dies to zed.

Card Choices:

Ryon Knight: It already costs lots of clicks to run so may as well capitalize on them

Ruhr Valley/Strongbox/ELP/Zed: Bioroid ice is big with the disadvantage of being able to be clicked through this not only punishes them for doing so but in some cases they can't.

Voting: When you score it they can't steal agendas for the next 3 turns (assuming no Estrike/Rumor mill) This lets you score more agendas and get to match point so he has to run your servers.

Friends in high places: This is to recur either Strongbox or Ryon as these will get trashed often.

Snare: They are going to be running with no clicks alot already, so get them tagged and hit kill those resources.

25 Dec 2016 Elli

I like it, gratz

26 Dec 2016 Manadog

Cool idea. Have you tried this out of the new ID? I feel like you don't really need to snares and you could try to rush big agendas and force them to trigger your ability.