Foodcoats - 1st place at Emerald Knights SC, Burbank, CA

raphaeln 502

1st place in the Emerald Knights Store Champs (Burbank, CA) on February 27th with 22 players.

Went 3-2 in swiss. Wins against Silhouette, Gabe and Kim. Losses against Val and Dumblefork.

Went 2-0 in double-elimination. Wins against Dumblefork and MaxX Eater-Keyhole.

This is a pretty standard Foodcoats that I've been playing during this SC season. Have been having (as most corps) a pretty hard time against Dumblefork, especially when well-piloted by first-class netrunners, such as @Ehill (had to play against him with that deck 4 times until I finally got a win). But I still believe this is one of the strongest decks at the moment (at least until Political Operative is released).

Some observations:

  • I think 2 CVS is the right call on this heavy Anarch meta, and especially good against Dumblefork

  • Crisium Grid has been super important and I think it's a very well spent influence over NAPD

  • Biotic Labor helped me close out so many games. Cutting 1 Eve Campaign for that felt just about right

  • Didn't score Efficiency Committee this SC, but I'm sticking with it over Hooper while Anarchs are everywhere

  • Viper is great against Faust, but I feel Enigma has been underrated in some Foodcoats decks. It helps so much getting that first 3/2 out on turn 1-2

  • As many others, I'm considering to switch Wall of Static to Rainbow