McFaust v1.1

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Nevofix 171

Hello everyone

First of all, thanks for having a look at my decklist!

The core idea of this deck was suggested on reddit, but I can't refind the post. Anyway, here's how to play.

If you don't have Kati in your starting, you'll probably want to mulligan.

Step 1: Load Kati for a few turns. Don't give a damn about yourself being low on credits.

Step 2: Get Bagbiter and Game Day.

Step 3: Install Bagbiter, unload Kati and play Game Day. VERY IMPORTANT: look at the face of your startled opponent when you draw half your deck.

Step 4: Happy running.

A few card choice explanations:

1) Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: I needed the influence, so no Kit. Since it's a Faust deck, I thought 45 cards would be better than CT's 40. And well, Mac is just very good.

2) Diesel and QT: Early card draw to get to Bagbiter and Game Day, afterwards cannon fodder.

3) Levy AR Lab Access: Reshuffle when you're out of cards.

4) Legwork and Same Old Thing: 1x Legwork doesn't hurt and SOT works well with it.

5) Film Critic: Variety of uses.

6) Mimic, Gordian Blade: Swordsman and Turing mainly.

7) Sharpshooter and Clone Chip: Trouble ice like Archer.

8) SMC: Just in case.

9) Deus X: Komainu

Enjoy :)


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