High-Speed Express β

obscurica 1318

Extensive modification of the original deck, made in the wake of realizing that all of these 0 and 1-credit Events were actually NOT working with Prepaid VoicePAD. By virtue of being too cheap.


Also: Scrubber won't get you to a well-defended MCA Informant combo, but Political Operative can. Paperclip does what Corroder only wishes it could. Sacrificial Construct because I see you damn Weyland players and your Hunter Seekers and trashing exploits to trigger Skorpios. And since Abagnale is legitimately Good, I might as well shuffle the influence around and drop Gordian Blade blade in lieu of in-faction options.

That means I can run a full flight of Temüjin Contracts. Woo, money.

This deck has a limited window of effectiveness -- just like a high-powered clone with a ticking time bomb built into his genetics. Skorpios's direct attack on recursion, in particular, means that nobody should be thinking about building to a safe and inevitable long game on the runner's side anyhow. You WILL lose pieces. Your opportunities WILL run out. And an unlucky hit means that victory is utterly denied.

So, carpe diem.