Another Noise Mill

Absolium 73

Classic Mill and Econ combo:

Sahasrara + Grimoire + Cache + Aesop's Pawnshop for a lot of . Déjà Vu to do this again, and again, and again... while milling the corp.

Many cheap virus to add the the mill.

23 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I don't know if you've looked at cards from Order & Chaos or The Valley, but there are a number of great cards in there for this kind of build.

For example: Clot, Hivemind, Progenitor, Gravedigger.

Two of my favorite Noisemill cards are Autoscripter and Mass Install. Chakana is also popular.

In The Valley, there's also Adjusted Chronotype, which lets you dodge the ill effects of Wyldside.

Viruses for the sake of the subtype is questionable when you have so many viruses to choose from. Lamprey has no triggers in your deck. I know it's cheap, but you could use those two card slots for something more powerful than two mills.

Your icebreakers are solid, but you can virus these as well. Crypsis and/or Darwin are awesome in this archetype, especially the latter if you are using the Hivemind/Progenitor combo with some combination of Virus Breeding Ground/Incubator/Surge.

23 Apr 2015 Absolium

Actually I doesn't have order & Chaos yet. I'm in French Canada and it will take a few more week to have it in French.

Thanks for the infos, I'll look into it!

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