Whiz retrieves big breakers

Donnola 39

Crazy idea for a Whizzard deck that uses Retrieval Run to install those big breakers for cheap.

The main idea of this deck is getting enough money to start using Quality Time searching for a Leprechaun, then dumping the big breakers and getting them back again with Retrieval Run.

Spinal Modem should make running even cheaper and Keyhole and Nerve Agent are there to be installed at the right time for the win.

Everything else is mainly economy, should you install those breakers from hand.

Thiking of switching out the Knights for something (Datasuckers? Cyberfeeders?) and still not sure about the console.

Also still not sure about the Queen's Gambits...

Any toughts/comments/playtesting reports are welcome!

21 Jul 2014 taliancich

I played a deck almost exactly like this for Regionals. It plays really well vs. Jinteki, but is tougher vs. other factions. I personally like Queen's Gambit, but would run x3 Infiltration if you do. As far as the console, I prefer Grimoire with Datasuckers/Parasites along with Deja Vu instead of Same Old Thing.