Link is, sadly, one of the most underused mechanics of the game. Although this may change as the ‘Cloud’ subtype of breakers starts to become more popular, Access to Globalsec is still not going to be the go to choice for runners to find link. It simply is too narrow a card, only providing one benefit for a mechanic that is rarely used. Even if Traces become the most popular thing the corp can use, the other methods that provide Link are still going to be more popular than Access, if just because they generally also offer something else as well (Memory, deck thinning, recurring credits) Sadly this means that Access to Globalsec is likely never to have much of an impact on the meta.

(Written during the meta of Breaker Bay, part of the SanSan Cycle. For more reviews like it, visit


Red Herrings is NBN’s protection upgrade, like Caprice Nisei and Ash 2X3ZB9CY, but it has not seen nearly the same amount of use. Most likely this comes from its low trash cost and its inability to protect anything other than agendas. Caprice protects herself by stopping the run, Ash costs three to trash so its more of a tax, and can protect other cards (Such as Caprice) in the server.

Red Herrings might be a card that is worth recurring however. Combined with Predictive Algorithm and maybe encountering an NAPD Contract the costs are huge for the runner to steal. As more agenda protection such as this occurs, or with other agendas that protect themselves (such as Fetal AI) this card can become more important. It would be surprising at all to see this card making a return in Never Advance style decks, especially post Clot.

(Written during the meta of Breaker Bay, part of the SanSan Cycle. For more reviews like it, visit

It also only works on agendas, but you can do a 5-cred drain with explode-a-palooza —
At 2 influence, it's unlikely to be used outside of NBN, particularly with Ash also at 2 influence. Goes well with RSVP though. —

The impact of this card comes from its combination with Scorched Earth. The SEA, Scorched, Scorched combo is well known as one of the primary ways of flatlining the runner with meat damage. It is a fact that new players should realize - If the runner run and ends the turn with more than a six credit difference (adjusted by link) under the corp, then they can very well be flatlined without other protection. (2 for Sea Source, Runners-2 to win the trace, 3+3 for two Scorched Earths) Money is a way to keep that safe, staying above the six credit limit when making a run is a form of protection. If the runner does not run, they cannot be hit with cards that tag, outside of a Data Raven counter.

That is the limit of this card, but otherwise it is a very powerful way to land a tag when it is needed. The runner has to run, and because always keeping the runner out of servers and successful runs is impossible, SEA Source will be viable to land that tag. It will remain a strong card for that fact.

(Written during the meta of Breaker Bay, part of the SanSan Cycle. For more reviews like it, visit


As the popularity of Tagstorm style decks starts to become more prevalent, Psychographics will see more use. The card is an interesting fast advance tool, allowing any agenda, no matter how many points it requires to score (Government Takeover for instance, or an instant win over advanced Project Beale) to be scored in a single turn.

It requires money, but so does any of the fast advance tricks. It also requires the runner to have several tags, and not be clearing them. It can be used to great effect with Midseason Replacements, which is the most common combo to play Psychographics with.

An interesting development comes with the release of Clot. Because using such a card would be on the corp turn, the paid ability window (including the time to score) would be in the corp favor. That would allow Psychographics to score out even a Three for Two (such as Astroscript) without the chance for clot to be used after the agenda is advanced. The runner would have to install clot (with a paid ability) when the card was installed, which is risky and can be bluffed out easily. Psychographics can be made to work with that and may see more use in a post Clot meta.

While it has not had a lot of effect outside of score big agendas (Government Takeover, over advanced Project Beale, or Mandatory Upgrades) it could very much see use to combat Clot.

(Written during the meta of Breaker Bay, part of the SanSan Cycle. For more reviews like it, visit


Closed Accounts is one of the few tag punishment cards that exists. A few more are starting to come out (Traffic Accident for instance) but they are still far and few between. That may actually be part of the design philosophy - with only a few cards that can punish the runner for being tagged (outside of the default corp action to trash a resource) it simplifies the options for playing around being tagged. Too many threats would make it an impossible situation to be tagged, forcing the runner into deadlock situations. With only a few possible fates (MU loss, credit loss, and meat damage) it can be played around with other cards, which gives a great option for the runner to make choices. Clear the tag, at the cost of time and money, or risk the fate that may come with the corp knowing the runners location.

That is good design. A choice, one that is difficult, but one that does not have a single viable option. Because there are only also a few cards that can tag the runner during the corp turn, this continues to make the tag mostly on the decision of the runner.

Closed Accounts is tag punishment, and it sees play, but never to the impact of cards like Scorched Earth have, but it can open scoring windows and create opportunities for the corp. It continues to see play, and will be a powerful card as long as ways to tag the runner are included in the corp deck, or at the least ways to force the runner to consider taking a tag.

(Written during the meta of Breaker Bay, part of the SanSan Cycle. For more reviews like it, visit