
sacrificialdreams 14

25 Jan 2016 internet_potato

I played around with surfer kit (using Study Guide) for a while. I think that surfer is OK as a 1-of if you throw in a Test Run or two. You typically don't need it until servers are triple-iced (single-iced = kit, double-iced = hopefully you forced the innermost to be rezzed earlier, so paint it).

This frees up 3 influence, which could be used for a Spooned (again, to keep servers shallow) or for Stimhack and/or Legwork. Stimhack is nice because if the corp really commits to the glacier play, surfer is still pretty expensive. Legwork is nice because it's an awesome card that wins games, and you otherwise don't have much HQ pressure.

26 Jan 2016 sacrificialdreams

@internet_potato Thanks for your advice. I like the idea of using Spooned or Legwork. What would you remove to include Test Run?

I'm also tempted to try Maya instead of Astrolabe as the extra MU would allow for another Cloak to be installed and Maya's ability will help pressure R&D more.

27 Jan 2016 internet_potato

@sacrificialdreams sure thing. I can't claim to be a great player, but I like to discuss.

re: freeing up slots:

I guess the first question is how the econ is in the deck. It seems like between your resource econ and the events, you have a lot of money (and will be using a lot of recurring credits until surfer becomes required). You might consider dropping a lucky find. paintbrush runs normally eat up a lot of clicks, so playing a double and running in the same turn will only be feasible early in the game.

You also have both Film Critic and 2x Plascrete Carapace, which is a lot of tech. Might be good depending on your meta, but I've been following the advice of Abram Jopp (author of the run the net blog), who suggests that you shouldn't put silver bullets in a deck until you've played with it enough to both determine that you actually need them and to learn the situations in which they should be used.

Do you find you need the Levy AR Lab Access very often? Might not need it.

re: Maya- give it a try! MU can definitely be tight when you're trying to put together surfer+paintbrush (+cloak(s)) but my feeling is that:

a. you have a lot of R&D pressure with the maker's eye and RDI already.

b. due to the click-intensive nature of paintbrush runs, shaking the tag will be kind of a pain

c. since your deck has a lot of moving pieces, losing the extra draw from astrolabe may hurt your ability to quickly assemble a viable stealth rig.

Good luck and have fun!