Surfin' R."K."P. v0.1

internet_potato 962

This deck goes all in on Study Guide, Surfer, and Paintbrush with a Prepaid VoicePAD event economy.

Mulligan for tutors or combo pieces. The goal early on is to Stimhack your study guide up to strength 5 and start running.

Go for the other combo pieces when the outer ice is rezzed. Ppvp encourages lots of drawing (giving you lots of mileage from Professional Contacts), so you're likely to pick up the necessary tutors by the time you get to that point.

Other things: Losing your precious study guide is basically game over.

Sacrificial Construct is there to keep it safe from batty-fueled program destruction, while lockpicks and ppvp's soak up power shutdowns. Hopefully clone chip is just used to duplicate Self-modifying Code early game or restore lost surfers and paintbrushes.

Lockpick and Net Celebrity let you buff up study guide as needed and break stuff.

I think that it could benefit from Public Sympathy or some other hand expansion to keep pace with stimhacks. The influence limit hurts the economy somewhat, but this still normally has enough cash to make high impact r & d runs.

19 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

If you can free up a little influence (Lucky Find or Legwork I guess?) then you could run Box-E. You don't have a console and your memory restrictions are a bit inconvenient (can't tutor for Surfer with SMC if you already have Paintbrush and a Study Guide installed).

20 Sep 2015 internet_potato

Good suggestion. I'm thinking about dropping the legwork (focusing mainly on R&D early and remote runs using surfer later on). Would either put in 2x Box-E or add a second Lucky Find depending on how often I find myself hurting for memory as I test this more.

29 Sep 2015 M0H4WK

What about Comet? Gives you the extra mem, great benefit with so much events and costs no influence.

Looks fun.

29 Sep 2015 internet_potato

@Il_Falco Comet could be good, but this deck tends to run pretty poor and normally has a click to spare (since Kit's ability + the need to paintbrush or tinker makes multi-run turns hard to pull off).

I did find myself hurting for sometimes (typically wanting surfer after paintbrush, which is kind of awkward), but Test Run or using Clone Chip to drop the paintbrush and bring it back was normally do-able when necessary.