Lockdown 8: Virtually Hoshiko Kim

mcg 1062


This deck started life as @Kevin Tame's Virtual On: Cyber Troopers dotw from a couple of weeks ago. Due to Lockdown restrictions this list isn't as good, but was still really strong, so I think the original will be really good in standard. Go check it out!

I didn't want to spend all my ID points on Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist so the first thing that had to change was the ID. Anarchs with link are limited to Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter and Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer, and out of those I find Eddie a lot more interesting. Without her draw ability and with I've Had Worse banned I had to bring in some draw. I opted for a third copy of DreamNet, to ensure it found the table early, and two Earthrise Hotel (this should probably have been three but I got greedy with other things). With Rezeki banned I brought in a Datasucker to maximise value on those DreamNet runs. With Stargate banned I experimented with Friday Chip to make Imp-finite. It's great when it comes off but feels a bit decadent so should probably be something else.

After a couple of other tweaks and shuffles based on meta expectations and personal preferences, the last change I made was dropping the third copies of the bin breakers to fit in the cutlery suite. You almost certainly don't need a Knifed with Paperclip in your deck, but the other two were great.

In the tournament it won 3 out of 4 in Swiss, only losing a game of 'pick the right agenda' against Haarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed. Then in the cut it got rushed out by @Deer's Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow then out psi-gamed (and played) by @Odol's Nisei Division: The Next Generation. Thanks to @Vesper for another great event.