Noisy Hosh

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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
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Repartition by Cost
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Battle_fennec 15

Just a slight modification of @Pouchsurfer's Pond Viruses for the germany's top hosh tourney, with my signature twist of making a cool deck slightly worse.

  • -3 Gachapons +3 The Price - I like prices ability to install non-programs. Honestly, was probably the wrong call, because the ability to trigger Avgustina or install a Fermenter on corp's turn is more valuable.
  • -1 LilyPAD +1 Simulchip - I found I like recursion more than draw, especially with price
  • +1 Cookbook
  • +1 DJ Fenris - Had an extra inf from the lily to chip swap so i threw in the good ol' DJ Steve for even more recursion
  • -3 Dirty Laundry +3 Raindrops Cut Stone - I like raindrops way more than laundry for the possible draw
  • -1 Paladin Poemu - Just so I have the psychological feel that I tried to cut something for slots

Thanks @Tradon for organizing the very fun all-Hoshiko tournament. I had a wonderful time!