Run and evolve

valerian32 151

Apart from a couple of Decks I saw here (I like one who uses eater and the eating events of anarch) this is my first attempt to make an Apex. It's not perfect but its really fun. You don't play. The deck plays you.

The main engine is to have Hunting Grounds + Chocobot and the ability of Apex of installing clicless. So you install a card downside when you begin your turn (a card you don't need), you destroy it, you draw because Chocobot and also you get some money.

But you always can attempt to make an Apocalypse and try luck again. With those horizontal decks from NBN it's quite funny to destroy everything in a clic and still have the money.

I didn't include Endless Hunger because it makes Data Folding not work.

Also Grifter is good to have a little kind of desperado.

30 Oct 2016 Krams

Magnum Opus + Apocalypse? Does that work out?

30 Oct 2016 valerian32

@Krams It does. You may use Uninstall or just accept that your Mopus will work about 4-5 turns and then dissapear (as all the other cards)

And in some scenarios you don't use Apocalypse at all, so you have a pretty standard rig.