Reina Prepaid Dinner V2

amazingdrummerboy 2

I edited this deck after receiving some good tips from the folks over at /r/netrunner. They pointed out that memory was going to be a problem with the amount of programs I had in my deck. To fix this, I took out most of the breakers in favor of focusing more on ICE destruction and econ denial. With the other breakers out of the way, i decided that to handle remotes, a couple Quest Completed are a necessary part of handling big remotes. I myself noticed that card draw was going to be a hard thing to accomplish with my previous deck set, so I added in 2 quality times to get some more card draw, and with PPVP it should be efficient. Day Job Freed up some influence for me to add another account siphon and Levy AR Lab Access, a necessary component of the PPVP economy. Thanks you guys, appreciate all the helpful comments.

11 Dec 2014 aneurysm

Might want a mimic for swordsman

11 Dec 2014 SlySquid

Why Quality Time over Steelskin?

I'd stight cut the plasctets for Steelskin no question, even moreso with Box-E, and I think you'll want two Wanton Destructions for sure... That package makes it so hard to kill you with combo based cards, trust me I'm playing them all atm with the "mother f****** deck" and it's total amazeballz'!

And I don't think you have enough card draw to warrant having Levy AR Lab Access...

That's it, love the deck but I bet after testing you'll see what I'm talking about, keep up the good work... Yay anarchs!!!!!