Recurring Chaos-Help a new deck builder! :)

Corporations Rule 86

New deck builder here. Plan is efficient breakers and recurring credits. Pressure on R and D and HQ with Interface and Imp. Should be able to get in anywhere once set up with Opus and Multithreader (which is the card I am building the deck around).

Went with Chaos Theory because she has the memory early to deal with Opus/get some Miltithreaders down and still have room for breakers. Also, can put Mimic on Dinosaurus for the strength boost.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, including which three cards to ditch so I can get down to that efficient 40.

Thanks! :)

14 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With 3x Self-modifying Code and Datasucker, Net-Ready Eyes is mostly superfluous, and you really only need 2x R&D Interface. There's your three cards.

You've got a lot of expensive installs so Stimhack + Personal Workshop is going to be clutch, which makes Plascrete Carapace really important for keeping you in the game against Butchershop and Tag 'n' Bag (and with D&D you are only going to be seeing more of these two archetypes). You might need two copies.

Clot's going to remain important, and Film Critic is about on the same level (less of a bother for you because you have very solid economy once rolling, but worth considering anyway).

14 Oct 2015 HiggsBozo

You can use Multithreader to put power counters on Atman when you install it. I'd rather use Atman for breaking sentries than jump through all these hoops to make a huge Mimic. Then you can cut the Net-Ready / Dinosaurus stuff.

I'd spend Influence on something besides Imp (memory problems). Maybe 2 Vamp and like a Drive By, and then you can drop 1 or 2 Clone Chips.

Probably also drop Levy unless you're super-worried about Net Damage (in which case you should play Vamp and Indexing).

14 Oct 2015 Corporations Rule

@FarCryFromHuman``@HiggsBozo Thank for your feedback. I see that using mimic that way is silly, especially with the recurring credits. How about this edit with Study Guide and GS Shrike M2 to take the most advantage of Multithreader (and now Toolbox-is that just dumb? Is this thing viable with Personal Workshop?). Also dumped the hardware and went for low cost events for pressure on centrals.

14 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@Corporations Rule: I personally love The Toolbox in any Personal Workshop build. It lets you get maximum efficiency from the workshop while you don't have anything else to install, and it lets you delay installs on things you want to bring out with specific timing (see Clot, or any program that is waiting on additional ). It's also incredibly powerful on its own. Building around it tends to make your rig too slow in today's meta, but as a singleton it can pull a lot of weight for a very small investment.

14 Oct 2015 Corporations Rule

Oops. Didn't actually post the new build! Here:

15 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@Corporations Rule: I think your link is broken, or you forgot to publish the new version and link from there?

15 Oct 2015 Corporations Rule

Ah. Didn't realize I needed to publish:

15 Oct 2015 Corporations Rule

@FarCryFromHuman Wait, I just realized I took most the stuff personal workshop was good for out...might have to ditch toolbox. Either that or go back to hardware and programs instead of cheap events...?

15 Oct 2015 Corporations Rule

Or looking again maybe the programs and hardware I have is expensive enough to justify the workshop. We shall see when I get a bunch of cards in the mail next week!

15 Oct 2015 Sarambola

@Corporations Rule )) =3

15 Oct 2015 XxAuroraUser69xX

Woo, this really takes me back. I've been a fan of CT since I first started a year and a half ago and this deck is almost exactly like mine was then sans the newer cards. In my IMO assuming your game plan is to drop Mimic on Dinosaurus, then along with Net Ready Eyes the data sucker is unnecessary. Of course I'd suggest getting away from Dinosaurus altogether since it can take a time and resource consuming amount of finesse to get the breaker you want on it if they come in the wrong order, but I bet NRE helps provide the needed mimic support in most matchups alone, avoiding the resource drag, so if that's how you want to proceed go ahead. In addition this deck seems to really really rely on Personal Workshop so just find room for a third. If you cut Datasucker then your full rig is probably Gordian, Corroder, Mimic on Dinosaurus, Magnum Opus, Multithreader x2, and an imp to spare, meaning your max absolutely ideal memory is 7, so I imagine you can make CybSolutions Akamatsus. All that said I don't think you need both Magnum Opus and Multithreader, one or the other feels best and this deck seems like it'd much prefer Magnum. Also you really don't need Daily Casts in this deck, I'd even argue that the Sure Gambles are excessive personally. Now if I go any further I'm essentially just going to tell you that you should play my deck instead, so I'll stop short of that. But I do suggest you take a look at my published CT decks and try and find some ideas you like in those, they all have the same basic game plan as your deck and I've had a lot of success with them.