Haas's Digital Fortress v7 (4-0 Ench. Grounds Championship)

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jinsaku 167

I've been tinkering with this deck for quite a long time. It's quite fun to play and pretty straightforward:

All the ice is econ drain/taxing (even Bastion, since it takes most everyone 3 bucks to get through it). All the assets are expensive to trash. Drop and protect a Haas early and ride her to the end. The one Biotic was the key to this version. Gets you over that hump if you fall a bit behind.

About the only thing I'd tweak after today's matches was that Private Contracts wasn't really needed.

21 Apr 2014 epy0N

I don't like that six of your ICE pieces are Yoggable as hell and since Yogosaurus is really strong archetype right now, using 11 code gates isn't really great idea from my point of view. Anyway congratulations winning the tournament.

21 Apr 2014 jinsaku

Our meta is really strong criminal. I didn't end up winning the tournament (Runner deck went 2-2), but I'm something like 11-1 with versions of this deck in 3 tournaments over the past 6 months.

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