Adam rush beta 1.0

x3r0h0ur 8977

Adam, not as hard as you think. Embrace the directives!! Starting point build for me in my Adam proxy and testing.

Adam and Brain chip get better the earlier you can rush down an agenda. With ABR getting you in for multiaccess on HQ with Safety First and legwork, turn 1 grabs of the whole hand or 3 card hits on RnD with'll grab your first agenda.

You should be reinstalling directives at some point to get the benefits (and negligible draw backs), only to use your second IT on them for game-ending draw.

Efficient breakers for late game, tutored by Code Siphon, which works with ABR to get a 3 credit discount for 2 clicks, which is alright. Use ABR to protect Gordian and corroder against trashers. Only fear is batty trashing, otherwise, play smart. Multithreader helps extend your game into late game, rather than relying on parasite recursion to keep runs cheap. Just code siphon out a multithreader!

Also, 48 with the starting 3 directives, I wanted it to be clear that the list had additional ones, and how many.

10 Aug 2015 skydivingninja

Oh thank God. I felt so lonely being the only Adam deck on NRDB for most of the day! :P

This is a pretty nice setup, and everything except the breakers and code siphon looks like something I originally tried to make with Adam. Is Code Siphon maybe too influence-heavy for this deck? I wonder if it would be better to add more copies of breakers and shift some other cards around instead. I remember trying out Account Siphon and feeling like I had consistency issues re: my breaker suite.

10 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Code siphon answers the consistency then doesn't it? Siphon is great for a turn 1 overmind for 1 dollar and a tag or 3 dollars including the tag. Seems like among the best tutor, especially when you can leverage it with ABR over 2 ice (breaker for the back one, and ABR for the front) to get garrote for 1 credit!

I'll have to test and see, but I suspect you can lean on ABR and overmind for quite some time. I'm pretty stoked for testing.

10 Aug 2015 skydivingninja

Over Account Siphon Code Siphon is definitely better for consistency. I'm curious about whether that 8 influence can be better spent beyond just 2 cards. It's still a card I really like though, so I'm excited to see how it does and if all my doubts are unwarranted. XD

10 Aug 2015 Diegofsv

Love the idea. I still think that this deck is a little too suicidal against jinteki, and it will suffer against breaker destructions decks (NBN now with Keeane and Weyland). But its a great first step indeed.

10 Aug 2015 thrazznos

I really like Code Siphon, powerful include considering the install cost for multithreader. Maybe ADAM can be the first runner to pull the old Account Siphon -> Code Siphon combo.

11 Aug 2015 Myriad

If not Code Siphon, you would spend 6 of the 8 on Self Modifying anyway.

Interesting idea. I will have to test it out, cause man do I hate Overmind right now.

11 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

I'm not super keen on the overmind, but I do think it is fine for ensuring you get accesses to get early agendas, to overpower your brain chip. If there were a better AI, I'd play it. Maybe lower influence on breakers and play faust or something.

@Diegofsv I'm basically ignoring jinteki for now, more consideration later. And yes, breaker trash is worrysome, but with ABR protecting me, I'm not enitrely sure what commonly played early game trasher I'm worried about (grim for instance is blank).

11 Aug 2015 Vimes

How do you feel about so much of the deck being directives? It clears up influence to be sure, but I feel they can slow things down click wise despite being zero credits. I see you didn't want to go for any wacky synergy with Dr. Lovegood, such as The Source, Drug Dealer, or Donut. You'd have to break into those code siphons for them unfortunately, so I take your ideas being better.

11 Aug 2015 Vimes

I apologize for the double post but my only concern could be the economy of the deck. The early rush is exactly where I want to take Adam too, but bumping into a few high trash assets early could really create a tempo hit (while still hurting the Corp but nonetheless).

11 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

I think you can play around the downside of must trash if able, by not being able to trash. Spend 2 of your 5 on TME, and you can't trash anything but jackson and adonis, which you'd want to trash anyway. I had 3x easy mark in the first iteration for this reason, but I'll just take my chances for early testing.

I do feel the econ is light, but I'd rather run light on econ and click for credits sometimes, and THEN add econ however I can get it. I'm not sure if I'll have this proxied up for tomorrow or not, but I'm hoping to test tomorrow.

11 Aug 2015 Diegofsv

@x3r0h0ur I'm more concerned about weyland grails deck with power shutdown, grim and lancelot. Since we dont have any kind of recurssion, its a really risky deck. But I do like it a lot.

11 Aug 2015 Vimes

@Diegofsv I feel some trashing ice might be tricky in the early game as you install your rig, but the Q-Coherence Chip will do some work in taking the hit for Power Shutdown. Any target other than corroder they plan to shut down will come at the price of quite a few cards off R&D that might work to your advantage too if they attempt it too early.

11 Aug 2015 Myriad

Q Coherence might actually be pretty decent in an Adam build that heavily uses overmind.

Its free to install. Buffs Overmind early game and you can use it to fuel Independent Thought.

Add in Technical Writer, which gets a credit on it for the install and maybe that's a future archetype?

Might work in place of Armitage?

11 Aug 2015 Zail

Does Adam even need to spend influence for "standard" breakers in the first place? Between his ability, AI breakers, D4v1d and e3 Feedback Implants he can get through anything.

11 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

why code siphon over self mode code?

11 Aug 2015 Dydra

@SlayerCNV , yeah , obviously ... with ABR he can install 3/4 breakers either for 0c or for 1c. With SMC , much more expensive.

@x3r0h0ur great list, but I can't get my mind around this runner ... it seems like too much of a hussle, for effects that already exist in the game. -2 handsize for 0c HQ interface? Does it really worth it? -2 hand size better than 4c? I guess starting with it makes it much more better, but really this runner feels to me like the Professor in Creation and Control.

I personally feel that even Apex is easier to build around than Adam.

11 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

@Dydra is not that obvius, since many ice has more than a single subroutine and this list has only 2 code siphons. And the 2 clicks you spend for break could be used for make 2 creds for use SMC.

11 Aug 2015 Dydra

@SlayerCNV oh yeah? Name an early game ICE that the corp can rezz on Turn 1 with more than 1 sub. Komainu? Tsurugi and deplete his credit pool?

Also you aren't accounting for how ABR works. You must run or play run event every first turn. When you will install SMC in your opening hand?Hm? Or you will lose a click empty-run archives, just for the sake of completing the card's requirement. How's that for an efficiency comparison with SMC and "obviously" clicking for 2c so you pay the SMC?

11 Aug 2015 Dydra

The only thing that would stop a ABR (and thus Code Siphon in this case) is a minimum double ETR sub, which not only there aren't many, but they aren't being played, let alone a 3 of so you can have them early game. Hive, Spiderweb and Little Engine are prime examples.

11 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@Diegofsv Overmind handles grails okay, because early on its not likely they have several grails in hand.

Vimes @Diegofsv I feel some trashing ice might be tricky in the early game as you install your rig, but the Q-Coherence Chip will do some work in taking the hit for Power Shutdown. Any target other than corroder they plan to shut down will come at the price of quite a few cards off R&D that might work to your advantage too if they attempt it too early.

@MyriadMyriad I'm not sure on the Q's, but they seem fine if all you have early is OM, and you can sit back on your breakers. Not sure technical writer is worth it here though.

``@Zail` I would say yes, its not entirely sustainable, some games (blue sun) will go late game. This deck has a bad BS match up as is.

@SlayerCNV Mostly for the tutor and discount, since there is so little econ, but the breakers can run off multithreader. This isn't a run a ton deck, but rather a big meaningful runs deck.

@Dydra Its a start. I think each piece can be made on its own, but like the headstart Andy gets, 3 little boosts can mean a lot to an ID. Sure, he might be hard, but there might be a strong payout. I acknowledge he could be the worst of the new 3, but someone has to work on him!

The other option on things like komainu and tsurugi is to just take the damage. Its not the world to take a little damage. Multi sub ice are also generally expensive and not well costed. There might be a need to run E3, which might be -2 code siphon +2 e3 +1 special order, and find more draw or more tutor to help keep him fast. We'll see, again, this is a beta build, with 0 play time as the ID. I just wanted to note a starting point. In this case, access, breakers, and draw.

11 Aug 2015 CodeMarvelous


I am just curious, why so many additional copies of the directives?

11 Aug 2015 SlayerCNV

here are mentioned all ices with a cost of 6 or more yhat has at least 1 etr subroutine. You forgot to mention all the grails, for example. Ty for have tried, see you next time!

11 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@CodeMarvelous to reinstall them after smashing then with IT mid game. I think you want them back late game when you're on 4 points or so, and have brain chip installed. Smashing the initial 2 or 3 getting you 4 or 6 cards, plus qchip and empty OM is too good to pass up wrt pushing yourself into your deck to find the last prices you need. Too many people view the directives as draw backs.

12 Aug 2015 Riconosuave

How about working in Earthrise Hotel? Independent Thinking with the Q-Coherence Chips is a great way to clear out once Brain Chip is up and running to transition to midgame, but with everything being pretty playable out of hand Earthrise can make the transition a little smoother. It can even round out your early game with the right economy - as long as you can play 2 cards, the -2 hand size from Safety First won't hurt. If you can play 3, then you're using Safety First to draw back to full hand size without any loss of cards. Like I said though, the economy hit can be rough, but removing Independent Thinking would enable you to run less directives, making room for maybe some Armitage Codebustings.

12 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@RiconosuaveI have earthrise in another iteration, and after testing, more passives are necessary, draw being one. I will be considering ERH for sure.

So reactions:

The directives are very well designed and flavorful. You feel like you want them because they are great early game. Then you run into ice and defenses go up and running every turn slows you down. You eventually desire to get rid of them in an explosive mid game with IT, 2-4 agenda points in, brain chip doing work hard with SF. Then I think late game after you're all set up, you start to desire the directives again. Flavor country.

I was way wrong that you'd be installing and trashing directives a lot, so 1 additional copy of each is probably good, probably 0 additional ABR as you won't trash this until late game...but you only keep if if you get lovegood.

Lovegood was very good, I definitely want 3, tuning the directives early is crucial. Legworks were very good, and dirty laundry, a card I never use in other decks, was probably the best card in the deck...I often wanted 6 copies. The drawback on NAT was not unmanageable, as I typically want to trash things anyway, and 0 cost trashers aren't so bad. This might become exacerbated when I get the econ working and I run with more than 2 credits though :P

Props: ABR, NAT, SF...great headstart on the game for acceptable drawbacks. Legwork/TME for rushing down those early 3 pointers from weak servers. Brain chip for doing what it do for cheap. Independant Thinking, all the draw you'll need along side SF...unless the gameplan changes.

Slops: Overmind, installed in 1 game, did okay, but due to poor econ, didn't do much. Code siphon, too many clicks with removing the tags, as I definitely don't want my directives trashed. Same old Thing, just didn't have enough I wanted to use. I really wanted more run events, but influence is snug for useful ones.

In the next iteration I want to squeeze in either more burst money, or lot of cheap to play recurring credits (stealth?), and more low cost recovery econ (easy mark, modded, career fair, armitage). Possibly look at more run based econ, sec testing, grifter, etc.