The Once and Future Bioroid

CodeMarvelous 20027

The premise of this deck is to set up slam hard early with overmind and e3. Sack the directives if you need to for cards.

The source with Dr. lovegood is a powercombo. Steal with impunity while slowing down corp scoring give you the time to get fully set up.

get rid of q chip if you need to in order to draw more, use baby, and just run run

11 Aug 2015 Irrio

Holy crap! The Dr. Lovegood/The Source interaction is amazing.

11 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

I avoided The Source because it felt a bit too combo-y with Dr. Lovegood, since I want him available to screw with my directives, but I do acknowledge its pretty powerful.

I'm slightly concerned that your rig might be a bit slow to really contest the corp if they push remotes behind 2 ice, some sort of tutor seems necessary, even if only to find Overmind early.

Also, no derived from love? :S

11 Aug 2015 Saikron

@x3r0h0ur I'm sure many people will come up with a similar list using Independent Thinking. :)

11 Aug 2015 CodeMarvelous

@x3r0h0ur I linked your deck though I would say we have two different decks here

11 Aug 2015 CodeMarvelous

@x3r0h0ur I linked to your deck which i used to build the skeleton of this approach

11 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Weird, wasn't showing up earlier, I see it now. Get all them glorious NRDB Points :P

11 Aug 2015 Wolf88

I don't really like the breaker suite. The corroder feels fine but ninja really doesn't... And Gordian Blade seems overkill. Why not corroder, zu, garotte? Also the Legwork seems like wasted influence since you already have a free HQ interface. I'd rather run hostage over it.

12 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Blade felt right tonight, garrote was a bit too much, but my whole econ package needed work. Once that's flowing, I think garrote is fine. I'll have v2 up soon. Looking forward t seeing your progress @CodeMarvelous so far I love the ID

12 Aug 2015 Myriad

I had some trouble with blade vs Tollbooth, but who doesn't.

Any other thoughts after testing?

12 Aug 2015 serax

Hunting grounds would make a good addition

12 Aug 2015 Wolf88

There is a card I feel is made for Adam, however it's not going to be easy to find the influence for it... It's Code Syphon.

12 Aug 2015 Saikron

I went with Study Guide Mimic and Corroder.

12 Aug 2015 wynalazca

The biggest problem I see just from looking at the deck list is program trashing (literally has no answer if you get hit by a Marcus Batty.) Other than that, this looks like a lot of fun to play. I haven't looked at building for Adam yet, tried out Sunny and Apex and so far have been extremely underwhelmed. These new IDs are HARD! Anyways, this deck looks fun, I'm going to try it out!

@serax I don't think so. Skipping a "When Encountered" seems nice, but it's secondary ability doesn't do much besides trash 3 cards. It combos with Independent Thinking, but doesn't seem worth the 3 influence, especially since there's no recursion here in case it hits one of your key pieces (any of your breakers.)

@Saikron is Overmind enough to combat bigger sentries that Mimic can't handle?

12 Aug 2015 schrader

@wynalazca Always Be Running's click-to-break can also be used on big Sentries such as Susanoo

12 Aug 2015 Saikron

@wynalazca Mimic handles basically every popular sentry except for Ichi 1.0, Cortex Lock, and Susanoo. Archer isn't so popular any more, but I'm confident Always Be Running, Overmind, and e3 will keep me alive in all of those cases.

8 Sep 2015 666Raziel

What about Shrike M2 instead of Ninja ?

9 Sep 2015 Wolf88

I think it's a winning idea.

9 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

I've tested with it, if you must run a bistable it's probably the nest from a cost and inf standpoint, but paying 4 for architect kinda sucks vs Hub. With sucker it gets better though.

27 Jan 2016 BizTheDad

I really, really like playing this deck. I've changed a few things based on people's suggestions and based on play testing with it. I dropped the Q-Chips and added Hunting Grounds based on the suggestion of someone I played against. I really like it against Data Raven. Also, I dropped Symmetrical Visage and added two more Plascrete Carapace after I got killed early and easily by a couple kill decks.

Keep in mind I'm new. So, I don't know if these changes might break the deck concept. Also, I don't know if the things I got beat by could have been avoided by different play.