Combo Ob [Beginner's Guide to Eternal]

Toron 188

This is one of the decks featured in my Beginner’s Guide to Eternal a guide to how the Eternal format works and the common decks in it, this is Combo Ob.

Combo Ob is one of the strongest Corps in eternal thanks to the power of a 2 card kill combo, first we use a Cyberdex Virus Suite to pull out Jeeves Model Biroids, then we can play Mutually Assured Destruction to trash any number of assets (including Jeeves), finally with 1 click left and enough tags we can kill through almost anything with High Profile Target.

Point Spend:

Estelle Moon: 3 Points

Ob Superheavy Logistics: 2 Points

Mutually Assured Destruction: 1 Point

Spin Doctor: 1 Point

How to Play:

The end goal is to have 3+ rezzed cards, use Ob to fish out Jeeves, play MAD, play HPT. The choices we have to get there are complex, Estelle Moon provides a lot of value and card draw and we have lots of lines to pull out various value options to get ahead and stay ahead. I would keep your decklist open at essentially all times to help you remember the various tools and options available. Remember that we can trash Jeeves with Ob and still gain the click, if we haven’t used Ob yet we can then pull out Malia to tech against CV or kill tech.

How to Play Against:

Ob needs to have at least 3 rezzed cards to pull off their combo (more if you have defenses); the best way to keep them down is to ensure that the board is clear. Whizzard does the best job at this, but Miss Bones can also buy you time. Alternatively, you can push to win before they can kill you (which, remember, is really fast), usually diving deep into R&D with a card like Medium. Getting our best kill tech down will help a lot, find it and install it where you can but know that they often have an answer that takes some time to put together. The hardest counter is Rumor Mill, while an expensive splash it completely shuts the deck down, Ob can't effectively score agendas and can't complete the combo (normally) and play a current on the same turn. Try to keep it up every turn using recursion and draw.