So until recently I never gave Rex Campaign much of a chance. Why include this blatantly inferior robot when you can have the sexbots? That was true until recently. This card isn't for HB, it's for NBN. Specifically Spark.

Rex has all sorts of things that Spark wants. It's an advertisement. Low rez cost makes rezzing aggressively to proc Spark's ability viable, which isn't true of Adonis or Eve. Its trash cost is decent, especially when you consider Spark tax. You don't even want to bother protecting it because if the runner trashes it you're ahead, meaning you can put your ICE on things that matter.

There are two downsides with Rex in Spark. Influence is a concern, but two is not horrible to deal with. The real issue is that it takes longer than other advertisements to give a return on your investment. 3 turns on the board is not short.

In summary, you have to be willing to play a card that says "the runner loses a click and 4 credits" just as often as it says "delayed hedge fund/make Valencia sad". I personally am because I'm a terrible person, but your mileage may vary.

You forgot to mention that you can use it to remove bad pub from Reality Three-Dee as well. Otherwise, great review! —
Wow... rez this behind some ice, wait til it ticks down to 1 counter, then rez Reality Three-Dee at the end of the runner's turn! Instant bad pub removal, runner never saw it coming and doesn't get to benefit from the BP (unless they use Raymond Flint). —

I just wanted to add that Little Engine makes Noise players cry out in anguish, grab their copy of Faust off the table, and eat it with nothing to wash it down but their own tears.

Like, sleeve and all. Just "well I guess this is my life now" hormf gormf gormf

Sometimes I don't want to convert 5 cards into 5 credits, especially when these cards are already worth a mill and a few credits after a pawn. —
Put a Chum in front of it and giggle —
This card exists to tech against Faust and little else. There are cheaper gear-checks and it doesn't tax the runner. —
I would consider Lil 'Gine a double-gearcheck - it requires the runner to have a decoder AND 7-8 credits. That's about the same threshold as Tollbooth, but 3 creds cheaper to rez. Love this card in Spark: "oh, thought you had just enough creds to break the Engine? This Launch Campaign over here says otherwise..." —

Worst case scenario, this gets immediately parasited and it's the sentry equivalent of an Ice Wall or Quandary. 2 credits really isn't that bad, and you end up breaking even with the runner which is pretty good for a piece of ICE anyway.

Best case, this could have a ludicrous amount of subs that makes breaking it repeatedly a massive tax. For example, Gagarin or Industrial Genomics. You don't want to access/trash all their assets, but not doing so is going to make them money and make this a massive obstacle.

You could click for credits for five-hundred years and not have enough to pay all my subs.

I see, time to go back to switchblade Andy —
Or just use Sunny's breaker and giggle to yourself. —
Surely the worst case scenario is having no rezzed assets? But I'm looking at it as a tax; if I have just two rezzed assets, there is no breaker that breaks it for less than its rez cost, except Faerie. It's like an ETR version of Pup —
switchblade? —

Today we're going to take a look at this corp's board. Nothing has birds on it, but you know what we're going to do?

We're going to put birds on things! Spruce it up, make it pretty.

What a sad little PAD Campaign. I know, I'll put a bird on it!

Did you see this PAD before? I didn't. Now there's a bird! It's flying, it's free! And the pad is gone for way cheaper.


This card does not get enough love. Let's talk about just a few of the wonderful things forfeiting a Falsie can do for you:

  • Got bioroids? Don't want them to get click/e3'd through? False Lead says you're going to slam headfirst into that Heimdall.

  • The runner found a Snare? Hold that tag and 3 damage in yo chest, son.

  • Argus LOVES this card. Make your damage and tags stick. If you slam out a Falsie early you can scorch them on your terms. Whenever. You. Want.

  • In the same vein as Argus, any damage-y Jinteki deck likes this a lot. It also synergizes stupidly well with Mushin, which is in faction, amazing, and probably already in your deck.

  • Speaking of Jinteki, what's worse than losing clicks and piles of money to PSI games? Having your other clicks just straight up taken away. No PSI game. Just poof, gone, I'm scoring a Nisei now thanks.

  • Any time you just want to be a massive jerk. Taking half of the runner's turn away is baller.

It's hard to be a disposable 3/1 agenda in the game of Netrunner, but False Lead more than pulls its weight.

Basically any strategy that comes with the caveat "of course, this only works if they choose to run on their last click" becomes a hell of a lot more reliable with False Lead sitting in your score area. —
This could simply be used to chunk an especially important turn for the runner. Use it after their first click to leave them one left. Are they now going to run last click vs your argus? They can't clear the tag (get scorched), and if they steal that agenda you'll hit them with punitive for total 4-5 damage. If they back off, you score the 2-3 point agenda, meaning you essentially forfited False Lead to "upgrade" it into a bigger agenda. —
I...think I just realized that this doesn't work on the Runner's third click to deny them their fourth one. Since they're unable to lose two clicks, nothing happens. That means you can defend against a lot of it by running third click? —
New Angeles Sol + Victoria Jenkins + Enhanced Login Protocol + Forfeited False Lead = temporary lockout —
Cough cough Ryon Knight Cough. —