Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán

♦ Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán 1[credit]

Asset: Academic - Clone
Trash: 1
Influence: 3

When your turn begins, place 3[credit] on this asset.

[click], add this asset to HQ: Take all credits from this asset. You may install 1 card from HQ.

She loved being part of the rough and tumble of politics and fundraising—from the calm of her own home.
Illustrated by Dimik
Decklists with this card

Rebellion Without Rehearsal (rwr)

#115 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)

This is an interesting bit of econ. 3 credits per turn is an incredible drip, but you have to click to pick them up, and doing so picks up the asset. Theoretically you could use the free install to reinstall it and keep the train going, but that would necessitate repaying the one rez cost, which would cut into your profits, especially the more often you do it. It feels fairly similar to Wall to Wall. It seem intended to install in your scoring server with an ability that won't cost you a click when you need to replace it (Okay technically it does but with the free HQ install, it's a click you'd be spending to install anyways), counteracting its low trash cost by being in an expensive server that will break the bank to enter. Does the runner want to keep both of you poor, or let you be rich? The problem, as with many assets and upgrades, is Pinhole Threading. With its trash cost of 1, a pinhole through an iceless server will only cost the runner two to knock this asset out, which is the same amount if you'd clicked it after the first turn, so at worst they break even. At best you've saved up a couple turns and they've ruined your payday. It's also very porous in RnD and HQ, though this isn't unique for econ assets. I think it has potential, but it isn't reliable. You might include this if you have a deck with downtime, where you're happy to save up creds and maybe force the runner through an expensive run that doesn't get them closer to winning the game, but you can't rely on it.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)

I agree. Really interesting to see this kind of economy card - a delayed burst that is extremely efficient but has to be well defended to actually work. A card that seems made for a very specific time within a game but will be incredible within that window.

This is perfect in NEH asset spam. Rez at start of turn, get your 3 credits, pick her up and install a card, ideally in a new remote and trigger your ID draw ability. You were going to click to install a card anyways, might as well get 3 free credits. The design is great for a shell game style of play too. I do wish she was 1 rez / 2 trash tho.