Stay Connected v1.0

miaxari 131

Stay Connected v1.0

This was a fairly successful deck for me at my local store championships and I'm always happy to fall back on it when I don't know what to play. It harks back to the days of core set Shaper with their solid economy, high link and straight forward breakers. It does however have a few fun additions such as a Keyhole and Leprechaun.


Efficiency through connectivity

This deck's original idea was to use the cloud breakers, Underworld Contacts and Rabbit Hole to create a well formed deck with a strong single purpose. Sadly Creeper is a terrible breaker so it was replaced by Ninja. As the deck also runs Datasucker. Ninja often ends up being more efficient than you might think, though it will occasionally catch you out.

Underworld Contacts and Rabbit Hole are the backbone(s) of this deck, they are crucial to the core game plan and all though they may slow you down, if you think the game is going to drag out, you'll realise that by the end you have the potential to skip over troublesome tracer ice and make 10-12 credits a turn!

Notable Mentions

Deus X + Clone Chip: This is particularly important. In my Jinteki and Haas heavy meta the inclusion of Deus X, even as a one of, was a seriously good move. I managed to get out of so many tight spots with this card.

Net Shield: This card entered this deck purely because the new form of Jinteki: Personal Evolution is hard to deal with. I didn't use it much but when I did it saved me the game.

Datasucker: From all round efficiency to that last run of the game, this card is a must in a deck that runs cheap to install but slightly sub-par long term breakers. ZU.13 Key Master and Ninja both lack starting strength and they really benefit from Datasucker when a Tollbooth or Archer turns up.

Nerve Agent: Finally, when it comes to scoring points this was my ace. Using Self-modifying Code to grab it just at the right time you can pull of a devastating HQ sweep and more than once I snatched 2 or 3 agendas in a game this way.