Boring Sports - Now with Preemptive 5th and 18th @APAC

AxWill 386

Not much to see here, that has not been said already. If you want to read more about the deck check here and here.

Our only original include was -1 Vanilla +1 Preemptive Action. Reasoning goes as follow:

  • Getting recursion trashed is the worst.
  • You need at least 4 FA scores barring strange Project Vacheron, which generally uses two tools, so you need 4/6 of your tools to win.
  • When you are at game point, you have used at least 3 of your tools. That means you need to find one of 3/6 (barring recursion). And you usually prefer Audacity over Biotic at that point, but sometimes you're forced to use those early.
  • If you recur - lets say 2 - more tools that number goes up 5/6.
  • Sports draws so much that increasing average value of every draw accumulates over game.
  • Worst case scenario: you can always just recur Red Level Clearance or Lateral Growth since those cards basically pay for themselves without slowing you down.

Also not knowing what kind of shenanigans people are going to present against sports, untrashable(?) recursion is a nice insurance. But you can always have an argument that more ICE or faster cards would be better. Maybe something like Fast Break that the smart players figured out.

Final notes:

  • If Sportsmetal frustrates you and only thing you want to do is punish players who play this kind of thing, check out our runner list.
  • Ark Lockdown is awesome.