Diagnostics without Fear v0.5

#endgame 130

This deck is built to play Accelerated Diagnostics without fear. The key idea is that if you can get non-operation cards out of the top 3 places in R&D, you don't have to trash them. So if you hit Green Level Clearance, Blue Level Clearance or Anonymous Tip, you pull cards into your hand instead of trashing them.

I've had some absurdly spectacular AD plays with this deck. AD into Celebrity Gift + BLC gives you net +9 credits and 2 cards for a click.

Try not to play AD with 5 or fewer credits; you want to be able to Hedge Fund. Keep an eye on how many operations there are in Archives, as you might not want to fire off AD in an operation-light R&D. (Then again, you might. I was chasing a final agenda to score, and had AD + Interns in hand. Click 1 - AD. I hit ABT, NAPD and Interns. Installed something from Archives, dumped the agendas. Click 2/3 - Interns ABT into the scoring remote.)

Current thoughts: I'm not too sure about the Anonymous Tips. I was running Corporate Shuffle at one point and it was hard deciding whether to salvage a crap AD and ruin a decent HQ or just let it go. Reclamation Order is okay, (good if I hit it in an AD), but it's hard to know what to pull back.

6 Apr 2015 Ber

Very interesting!

What is your thoughts on Archives Memories in this deck?

6 Apr 2015 #endgame

I go back and forth on Archived Memories vs Reclamation Order. RO is better if you hit it as part of an AD, but I generally just use it to recur AD, which would make AM a better choice. Note that you can't recur the AD that's currently resolving!

The trouble with the 2x Anonymous Tip and 1x Reclamation Order is that there aren't many compelling operations left - you want cards that are unconditionally playable. Perhaps the best option is to cut the operations back to 19-20 and add more ways to use the fact that you get stuff into the heap quickly (Shock!? Industrial Genomics: Growing Solutions? Architect?)

Patch and Sub Boost look interesting, but I can't really justify them on Bioroids or NEXT ice. Maybe in Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success.