Boop to I-287 [0-2, NJ CO, RWR Standard]

RayS 43

This is exactly Diogene's Boop to Saisentan with the -1 Anoetic +1 Saisentan they recommended in their writeup.

Both games I played against Hoshikos and both were uphill battles where I failed before the deck did.

I've really enjoyed learning to be a degenerate! Coming out of RWR previews Charlotte was the card I was most excited to play and she hasn't disappointed. For now I'm probably going to keep jamming this list, but I might try out an A Teia build as well so that I can score agendas without getting off the Caçador Value Train >:) In my two games I made a lot of mistakes, but the most important problem was the same as I saw with my Runner. Complex deck + not enough practice = decision meltdown.

Great event. Would play again.

  • Shout out to Kysra for taking home the win!
  • Big thank you to Dee and Lucas for giving me a crash course in the archetype and advising on the tech.
  • Thank you to Kyle for loaning me a Hippo last minute (but don't tell him that I used to to trash a Hydra).
  • Thank you to Lucas again for organizing the CO and for herding the NJ meta to a meetup twice a month.