Nasir SMC Fetch

Dedbelly 1

I'm new to this game and have limited cards to work with. The folks I'm playing with are at similar skill levels, so I don't need to be 100% optimized, but I'd like to do alright and at least have a chance of winning most games. Criticism would be super appreciated, but also bear in mind that I'm limited to the Core Set, Creation and Control, Cyber Exodus, and Upstalk. I'll buy more down the line but for now that's what I'm rolling with.

The idea here is that it's essentially a fetch deck that can adapt in real time to whatever the Corp is throwing down. Self-modifying Code and Personal Workshop get exactly what you need out when you need it, and also allow you to exploit pay windows for extra s using Nasir's power. Since you can fetch specific icebreakers when you need them, the frequency with which they appear in your hand doesn't matter much. I decided to run one of each that can power up strength for a whole run, then threw in Wyrm to consistently be able to lower ICE strength by 1 for a single . Clone Chip, Test Run, and Déjà Vu are around to get SMC or a necessary Icebreaker out of the heap and back in play. Then I wanted to load up on s in order to counterbalance the downsides of Nasir, so I threw in Cloak and Cyberfeeder. I realize intelligence is invaluable to this kind of deck, so I threw in a Snitch and a couple infiltrations. The rest of the deck is built around having sufficient credits and MU. The economy portion of this game is where I'm worst so that's probably where this deck needs the most work.

17 Feb 2015 king_mob

This is really good, shows inventiveness and is a strong deck considering your limited card set. One thing I would change - wyrm needs to match an ices strength before it can interact with it, so its not actually 1c to lower the encountered ices strength. Swap that for parasite (which you can recur instantly in the middle of a run with clone chip).

17 Feb 2015 king_mob

Also, the econ is fine. Stimhack, personal workshop and nasirs ability will get everything installed, even the str 4 atman. Cyberfeeder and magnum opus will carry your runs after every ice is rezzed and nasirs ability doesn't fire anymore. Also, drop dagger - you havent the stealth econ for it, replace it with mimic which will also bring you up to 15 inf, and use parasite to bring ice down to within range of mimic.

17 Feb 2015 Dedbelly

@holding thanks, that rules confusion on Wyrm was a mis teaching on the part of my friends, I guess their anarch decks are gonna get a lot worse now lol!

17 Feb 2015 Dedbelly

@holding parasite seems pretty slow to me, unless you're playing as Noise and/or run a Grimoire, but I'll take your advice. I included Dagger because IF I got a Cloak and Dagger out it would be extremely efficient against big sentries, but completely see what you mean about stealth economy. If I were to drop it would it be really necessary to add Mimic? In my limited experience I encounter more sentry ICE than other types, but I have pipeline, and wonder if another card would be better than a second Sentry Icebreaker?

18 Feb 2015 king_mob

Well thats true parasite is fairly slow, but it also trashes ice and can be brought back again and again via clone chip. Thinking about it wyrm may not be a bad choice IF you are using fixed breakers like mimic. Still sn expensive way round but a faster one certainly.