The Stadium

Pikeman 289

Welcome to the stadium, are you ready to play some FOOOOTBAAAALL?

Anyway, this is pretty typical asset-spam rush/kill deck, but building with only 1x core presents some challenges, namely getting SSCG. Tech Startup, while not able to search for it, proves its worth when rooting for your favorite team or getting into your space suit.

Lastly, why Haarpsichord Studios over NEH? Partly cus I'm bored, partly because I wanted to try something different, and partly just because I can. If you get bored playing this way just swap back to NEH and play again.

Feedback appreciated!

24 Oct 2015 Pikeman

Welcome to the stadium, are you ready to play some FOOOTBAALL?

Anyway, this is pretty typical asset-spam rush/kill deck, but building with only 1x core presents some challenges, namely getting SSCG. Tech Startup solves that problem and so much more, like how to root for your favorite team or strap on a space suit.

Lastly, why Haarpsichord Studios over NEH? Partly cus I'm bored, partly because I wanted to try something different, and partly just because I can. If you get bored playing this way just swap back to NEH and play again.

Feedback appreciated!

24 Oct 2015 CJFM

Gotta fill that last influence! :) Really solid deck that edges both butchershop and Turtlebacks Fastro. Very hard to predict.

24 Oct 2015 Pikeman

@CJFM - Hah, yeah, I thought for a long time of what to put in there. Eventually I gave up, but maybe an Eli 1.0 instead of a Gutenberg or a Turntable? Well, I'm quote open to ideas...

But as for being unpredictable, that's very true. While playing it, I notice that it's not the corp, but the runner who dictates how the game is played--but that's not necessarily a bad thing! This has answers to a lot of different situations, and you can't lock yourself into just one play style.

24 Oct 2015 moistloaf

FYI startup cannot search for sscg

24 Oct 2015 Pikeman

@moistloaf - ah yeah, I noticed that while playing. I usually want it for Turtlebacks or Team Sponsorship anyway.

I'll fix the description.