Advancing to victory v1.1

Alteris 87

Glaciers and more glaciers. goal is 2 fold, autopilot until the runner can't get thru your scoring server. really fun to mill them with Underway Renovation or build your economy with Oaktown Renovation until you can feel safe about holding onto Government Takeover. most of the time once they see a wall of ice , they will ignore remotes like Constellation Protocol if behind even an ice wall. added Wendigo to this version to deal with D4V1D. also a build to make them either burn or allow you to get your ice bigger. nothing like them thinking having to contemplate an even bigger ice wall, or possibl give you 6 credits worth of rez money on Orion. midseasons and sea source are there to ruin their day. I don't own Trick of Light or I would put it in as well

10 Jul 2015 PurinaBisonChow

You don't need two Midseason Replacements AND three SEA Source. That is tagging overkill. Kill the Midseasons since you don't have anything that punishes more with more tags. Replace them and a Space Camp with Jackson Howard. Then replace the other two Space Camps with some economy. Private Contracts, Capital Investors, even GRNDL Refinery. Not only do you need money to run your deck but also remember that you need to have more money than your opponent when you go to take them with SEA Source.