World Tree Apex

wiriamu 105

Honestly, you probably want two World Trees, but I wanted to include more of the possible interesting packages that could feature alongside it.

World Tree seems like a difference maker because it has incredible tutoring ability and—with Direct Access—can circumvent Apex’s inability to install key non-virtual resources like Aesops, but even more reliably and consistently than Assimilator because you can go grab a 1x DJ Fenris as long as you can trash a resource.

Poison Vial would synergize with Endless Hunger, but even better synergizes with the virtual resources Kongamato and Gbahali. I picked Kongamato for this example because it’s one cheaper to install.

1x includes of Stargate and even Endurance become far easier if you can tutor them out with World Tree.

Endurance should be your primary breaker, possibly with Kongamato/Poison Vial support, but I also wanted to explore the usually unwieldy Flameout-Mayfly which again, thanks to World Tree, is far easier to set up. In fact, Harbinger is awesome with World Tree, because it can be trashed to trigger tutoring for a 1x program and still be food for Aesops.

Recursion of key pieces comes from Assimilator flipping back over cards returned from the heap by Restore.

As I said, you probably want two World Trees and you mulligan for World Tree, and barring that, get an Assimilator out to start installing key pieces—many very expensive—for two clicks (think Endurance, DJ Fenris, Aesops, etc.).

11 Dec 2022 Your Niichan's Girlfriend

Fenris unfortunately doesn't work in apex I don't think. The identity is hosted on him when installed, not when flipped face up.

11 Dec 2022 wiriamu

You’re right. You’d only be able to install with World Tree and Direct Access, so probably not worth the influence!

11 Dec 2022 Diogene

Using Direct Access to install forbidden things with Apex, that is genius. Thanks for sharing!

11 Dec 2022 sebastiank

Wuutttt that is insane tech, have my like and favorite!

15 Dec 2022 AKSpiritBurner

I am curious as to why you include Heartbeat and Endurance. Do you use Heartbeat as a ride over till you get Endurance?

15 Dec 2022 wiriamu

@AKSpiritBurner Yes, you can, but mostly it’s there as a zero-influence cheap installable that you can trash to tutor your one-of Endurance out of your deck.

This is part of the set up that World Tree requires: it makes running single copies of high-influence cards manageable, but you need World Tree installed plus enough copies of cards of the same type as your target card that you can draw, install, and trash to trigger the World Tree effect. It’s like the recursion requirement for Simulchip, requiring the trashing of a program to get a program (but recursion from the heap instead of tutoring from the stack).

Of course, I could also see an emergency reinstall of a heartbeat, trashing a boat to survive when the corp is threatening to flatline you.