Even in these chains you can't stop me

x3r0h0ur 8976

Version 3.0 of my Adam build. Finally honing in on something pretty damn viable.

Still locking down remotes and baiting remote plays with stimhack, now we're camping it with infiltration, Independent Thinking + directives -> faust, kati jones, and piles of cash. You can bust remotes 2-3, even 4 turns in a row, you won't get out baited.

Rush down early to get your 2-4 points, and then start building up your board state to challenge HQ and remotes, saving up enough to make the last push on RnD.

You have to play tactically and try to convince the corp to push against you when you're still able to get in....you're earning 1 agenda from the remote against any deck playing remotes, so play good.

Crescentus helps stand in for the lack of parasite, shuts down the big boys, ABR a tollbooth? Now they have to rerez it! I think 3 would be great, so I'm going to start testing -1 SMC +1 CC +1 crescentus, and probably cutting overmind for the extra slot.

Don't bust the directives until you must do it to steal with faust, bursting from 2 cards to 9 ( 3 from each dir, 1 from Lovegood), and never early. I've lost games on the back of busting directives before getting to 4 points, you NEED them for sure.

Deck is resilient as hell, and only lost to Scorched play after I wasn't paying attention and didn't draw up to the 8 I could hold vs 24/7 NBN scorch. Total fatigue mistake.

30 Sep 2015 LSK

I'm curious how the money in this deck works out for you. The problem I've been having with Adam play is that it's very difficult to sit down and money up, and it looks like you don't play a lot of economy cards, and you play Drug Dealer. How does this fare against Ash behind two pieces of ice?

30 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

Usually money is fine, if you're low on bucks but can run safely or cheaply, use lovegood on drug dealer. For ash, you should be trashing him on your central hits if possible, but otherwise money off kati +stimhack usually handles it.

They key is to not run like a criminal or ppvp Kate, but more like classic big rig shaper, making fewer but more impactful runs.

30 Sep 2015 asteriskreaper

Someone is an In This Moment fan lol

30 Sep 2015 Laxen

Isn't the deck quite fragile to program trashing? : )

30 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

How so? Always be running, and 4 AIs? Other than batty, how would they even land program trash? I never find it to be much of a problem. If you're super concerned, you can go -1 smc +1 clone chip +1 stimhack or something.

2 Oct 2015 Laxen

Ok, cool!

2 Oct 2015 Heartthrob

In my experience with remote camp decks, Caprice and Ash end up being the biggest problems. I'm not sure sniping them out of centrals is a viable strategy most games. Had this deck up against a good Caprice/Ash/Batty deck?

2 Oct 2015 x3r0h0ur

You camp mid to late, forcing agendas into HQ, where you lift them with NAT, but you should be using TME and NAT to lift the first 1-4 points while the ice is 1 maybe 2 deep.

5 Oct 2015 CJFM

I like the list. I am going to test it out today.

7 Oct 2015 stash

Tried this deck few times and it worked quite well. Adam is the king of early aggression. With bare directives and Makers Eye he is able to quickly establish 4-6 AP. After that, catch some breath while installing brain hardware and Drug Dealers. From now one you are able to threathen almost any remote glacier with Faust.

One issue I find is that navigation requires care. Always remember your directives. You will learn it the hard way. "Ah, forgot to look at that additional cart in HQ".

Did Crescentus see a lot of play with this deck? In my recent matchups I was going against small rush ice and it was mostly a Faust fodder.

7 Oct 2015 x3r0h0ur

Sounds like you have it, you rush down until you have the points, then you can take a breather, maybe let a few agendas go if you're sure you can hit mid-late game, setting up for the end game.

Crescentus is not for small ice matchups, which you're already well suited for with SMC, Overmind, and ABR. Its for matchups where during your breather they manage a tollbooth, heimdall of some kind or on occasion Turing (if you're aggressive enough). It's a card that you won't use in 100% of matchups, but you will in like 50%, and it'll be very good at freeing you up some. Lots of corps don't see suckers or parasites and don't get afraid to rez big ice. Dropping an 8 credit toll booth for 3 credits and 3 clicks is super nice (well plus the crescentus cost).

19 Oct 2015 Darxsen

@x3r0h0ur Has Street Peddler stuck around in your builds?

24 Oct 2015 slevin38

@x3r0h0ur Whatt made you decide to dump the decoder?

30 Nov 2015 x3r0h0ur

@Darxsen Nope, I found it to dump too many good events

@slevin38 No need, usually you're using OM and sucker, so its generally free, or faust. When you need to break code gates, its usually a remote snipe or RnD deep dig, so breaking it infrequently is fine.

6 Jan 2016 Cantor

@x3r0h0ur I tested this today, and I gotta say I didn't see a use for Faust, what with the drawing from Drug Dealer and Safety First. I found and installed the Datasuckers and efficient breakers. Also, I've always found that Overmind and Cerberus "Lady" H1 (and other such cards) really like a Scavenge for recursion.

29 Jan 2016 KryptikRVR

Ive been running a deck very similar to this and I have a few questions.

Is there a significant upside for using daily casts over data folding? Also, I have found that both datasucker and multithreader have been less than amazing.

Finally, what do you think about running 1-2 copies of e3?