Unhealthy Obsessions

paulxthompson 240

Lots of viral things going on: Parasite, DataSucker and Surge being used to break down ice. Sahasrara to pay for it all, and Freelance Coding Contract to sell on the expensive ice to be picked up later by a Retraival Run.

5 Jul 2014 wswan

You should have something to self-tag to get use out of the DLRs so they aren't dead cards most of the time. You'd probably be better off overdrawing to trash the Force of Natures and Morning Stasr, as otherwise you're just sitting on cards and waiting for your combo pieces to pop up. Lose the FCCs and maybe go with Wyldside, for in-faction draw. You've already got the Aesop's to help get rid of it once it's use is gone. Also, you do not have a killer, which, I mean, you could Parasite them all, but that means you have to face check them first and those are the most dangerous type to face check. Use the freed up influence or go in-faction with Mimic, as you've already got the Datasuckers to back it up.