Zahya is smuggling something

BoardKen 2

Based on Normative Determinism [Startup, 1st @ Colorado CO], the author suggested dropping a The Wizard’s Chest and/or Window of Opportunity for the 3rd Inside Job and more econ.

My add: Security Testing synergises with Jeitinho requirements perfectly. Also avoids many (not all) nasty surprises in Jinteki decks. Alarm Clock may support the Jeitinho Threat 3 as well as normal click efficiency.

Two matches in the Melbourne 2024.4 CO. Almost, but not quite. Security Testing works really well. Found there was not enough draw as the second match lost 4 turns hunting for the final Jeitinho or The Wizard’s Chest allowing the corp to cash out. Thinking the Overclock is no longer needed and replace with Earthrise Hotel or VRcation.

Prefer Curupira over Marjanah, and dropped the Mayflies to reinstate 2 Overclock and gain a Carmen to have a full breaker suite. Had a win with an exciting final turn which started with an Alarm Clock + Security Testing run on HQ which cost Carmen 4 but got 2 back. Click 1 was S-Dobrado + Security Testing on R&D to bypass 2 ice for 2 and 2 back, but used a for the bypass. Click 3 was to install a Laser Pointer for 2 and Click 4 was to run Archives bypassing Karunā with the Laser Pointer. Trashed the The Wizard’s Chest to draw and install the final Jeitinho for the win.

This deck now puts lots of pressure on the Corp since it now has two viable victory paths. It's fast and fun no matter what the result.

Next evolution: Consider Physarum Entangler?

5 Jun 2024 abstracted

Always cool to see Jeitinho popping off! I'm curious to hear how the VRcations are working out for you -- what's the common play pattern there? I'm very much looking forward to seeing this version of the deck in action in the league!

6 Jun 2024 BoardKen

@abstracted: it's all about draw to maintain momentum. Either looking for that final bypass card for the 3rd knife turn, or a click 1 action after a knife run which really depletes the grip. As a newer player I'm still getting used to the decision to find particular tools even when it means discarding otherwise good cards. This deck has won 3 out of 3 games since you last saw it!