MaxXshiko [12th @ US East Nats]

lukifer 1346

I'm the problem it's me

Nothing particular remarkable here, publishing to claim the ABR slot. Chose this last-minute over Lat, because it feels similar in play-style to my beloved Big MaxX; I had no idea this would make me part of the problem.

Tried and failed to cut down to a lean 60; 2x Dirty Laundry and 2x DreamNet were absolutely a mistake. Was still a ton of fun to play, and very strong; went 3-2, both losses from getting too aggressive early and dying to HHN-Boom (thankfully, for the last time ever). Bankhar and Raindrops are stupid-good, and Maw is a sufficient win-con in many matchups. I suspect this deck is still a force to reckon with even after swapping in real breakers (perhaps with Katorga Breakout to rescue breakers lost to Bankhar runs).